
Benefits of Chain Link Fence

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Build Chain Link Fence – Steps to Follow


Practical, inexpensive and robust: That's what it is, the 6 foot chain link . As you build the popular fencing system yourself, chain link fence contractor show you step by step planning to make it perfectly. 


6 foot chain link1st step

First, plan the course of the fence and the location for the gate. The required fence posts should be spaced 2.5 meters or less. Mark on the wall where the fence should start. From here, remove the fence with a mason's string. Leave the cord a little longer. Then put a construction angle between the house and the string and align it at right angles to the wall of the house. To the planned length you give it a clear supernatant, tie it to a cordon tape holder and hit it in the ground. For measuring large distances a roll tape measure is suitable. At the planned crossing point, you will be pulling a string across the same principle. This should run at right angles to the first, so here also create the angle. The cord should be at a distance from the ground. To make the post holes, mark the center of the hole with a peg; on the string you can also attach a piece of tape.


2nd step

Check if the terrain has a slope. The easiest way is with a hose spirit level. The transparent hose, which is filled with water, is laid from the beginning to the end of each section of track and bent upwards at the ends. The water level is always at the same height at both ends. You can now mark this height at both ends. From these markings, you measure the distances to the ground and see immediately whether the ground has gradient and whether you need to adjust the fence to the terrain.


Install gate

3rd step

Start with the gate, a single gate, and assemble it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then set the completely assembled gate aside.

4th step

You now need two foundation holes to set the gate. The whole distance depends on your goal.

5th step

Lift the holes 40 cm x 40 cm in size. The depth is 80 cm. That's the usual frost depth. Make sure that the depth of frost in your region is defined differently.

6th step

Then comes a layer of approximately 10 cm drainage gravel into each hole. This is needed as drainage and corrosion protection for the piles. You can also use it to correct the pile height.



Repeat steps

Set the first stake with the associated leaf into the hole and put the gate with squared timber. Then align the gate with the spirit level and fix with the slanted wooden slats. Now you can place the second stake. This must have the correct distance to the gate and the same mounting height as the first post. Clamp as mounting aid a bar between post and gate. You can fix pole, gate and batten with cable ties.


6 foot chain link

Build Chain Link Fence – Steps to Follow

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